The Growth Booth

The 12-Day Giveaway (FREE Goodies & $12,000+ In Prizes!) | The Growth Booth #102

Aidan Booth Season 1 Episode 102

Are you ready for our TWELFTH annual 12-Day Giveaway?

Welcome to the 102nd episode of The Growth Booth Podcast, a show focused on supporting budding entrepreneurs and established business owners alike, towards achieving lifestyle freedom through building successful online businesses.

It’s that time of the year again! In this episode, Aidan introduces our 12th annual 12-Day Giveaway, still with lots of nuggets of wisdom available to you for free for 12 straight days, and still with a chance to win one of the incredible prizes lined up to close this year with a bang!

Whether you're looking for step-by-step strategies to start building an online business, simple game plans to grow your business, or proven lifestyle freedom frameworks, you’re in the right place.

Stay tuned and be sure to join the thousands of listeners already in growth mode!


00:00 Intro

01:05 The 12-Day Giveaway

05:26 Prize Draw

08:56 Announcement of Winners

11:47 Outro

Links and Resources Mentioned:


About Our Host:

Aidan Booth is passionate about lifestyle freedom and has focused on building online businesses to achieve this since 2005. From affiliate marketing to eCommerce, small business marketing to SAAS (software as a service), online education to speaking at seminars, the journey has been a rollercoaster ride with plenty of thrills along the way. Aidan is proud to have helped thousands of entrepreneurs earn their first dollar online, and coached many people to build million-dollar businesses. Aidan and his business partner (Steven Clayton) are the #1 ranked vendors on, and sell their products in over 100 countries globally, as well as in 20,000+ stores across the USA, to generate 8-figures annually.

Away from the online world, Aidan is a proud Dad of two young kids, an avid investor, a swimming enthusiast, and a nomadic traveler.


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Welcome back to The Growth Booth. This is episode number 102. Today I want to talk about the 12-Day Giveaway. This is a cool thing that we do each year where we've got free information that we're giving away and over $12,000 in prizes.


So what exactly is the 12-Day Giveaway? The 12-Day Giveaway is where each year, my business partner, Steve Clayton, and I give away free content with no strings attached. And along with giving away the free content, we also give away some incredible prizes, things that are valued at over $1,000 on average each day. It's a really fun part of the year for us where we are not selling anything, like I said, there's no strings attached, but it gives us an opportunity to dive into an area and provide some lightweight content around it.


Each year, we tend to have a theme. This year's theme is key strategies for online success and how to effectively overcome challenges. We talk about lessons that we've learned over the years, and how hopefully, you can apply them to keep growing in your own business. So again, very lightweight content, easy to consume. There's no homework or anything like that, and by tuning in and being involved, you get to win some pretty cool prizes, potentially, as well.


This is our twelfth 12-Day Giveaway, so we've been doing this for 12 years now. We've given away, like I say, a huge amount of prizes. It's where Steve and I get on videos and talk about different topics. So this year, for example, we filmed the videos in Dubai. We started off by talking about following your strengths, and why that why that's important in business. And then I did a video around traffic sources and shared some considerations into that. We spoke about understanding the numbers, creating clear action plans, not getting stale with knowledge, some information around daily routines, what works and what doesn't work for us. Shared some information and stories around the importance of having a partner and why that might be something that you want to get interested in and do if you're not doing it already, having a business partner. We spoke about delegating, also synergy and scaling. And oftentimes, it's some of the things that we share actually sounds quite counterintuitive, because everyone says, "Oh, you know, make sure you delegate, delegate, delegate," and we agree with that for the most part, but there are times when you shouldn't delegate. So we try to weave in a lot of personal stories into the videos.


The videos are typically only three or four minutes long. It's not like there's a huge meaty video that you need to get through each day. They are very, very short videos. The best way for you to sort of find out what it's all about is to head over to, and on that page, you'll find out everything that we've got going on. You'll see an introduction video from us that we actually filmed in Dubai. I should say that we filmed this video looking at the world with the world's tallest building behind us. And it is incredible, the view is amazing. The hotel room that we had there, obviously, we had multiple hotel rooms, but we got one specifically for doing some of these videos. The view was just incredible.


I'll tell you what, one thing that surprised me in Dubai was the sheer opulence and luxury that some of those hotels have got over there. So anyway, that's a side story. Last year, interestingly enough, we did our 12-Day Giveaway based out of Europe. We were traveling during a road trip from Monaco up through France, Switzerland, and finishing up in Italy. We did a lot of the videos from inside a Ferrari. If you're interested in seeing those, what I'll actually do, we don't normally do this, but I'll share some links to last year's videos. You can check those out as well if you want, but the most important thing for you to do is to head over to and get registered, get signed up for the content that we're giving away this year.


Now we start with the first content piece going live on Christmas Day on the 25th of December, and then we run through for 12 days. At the end of all of that, we are doing a wrap-up workshop early January where we're going to be talking about different projects we've got happening and just sort of summing up a lot of the lessons that we’re trying to impart throughout out the 12 days, and hopefully that will help you hit the ground running in 2024. I still have to get my head around saying 2024. So that's what we'll be doing.


Also over at, you'll be able to learn about how you can get two entries into the prize draw. The way that you can do this, basically, is just to make sure that you register with your email address but also with your cell phone. We don't spam cell phones with SMS messages. In fact, probably, throughout the course of 2023, I can't imagine we would have sent more than five or six different SMS messages. So if you want to do that, don't freak out and think "Oh my god, I'm going to get spammed to my cell phone." It's not going to happen, not from us anyway. And of course, you can always unsubscribe from getting SMS messages at any time, but throughout the course of the year, we're probably only going to send about five or six anyway. It's not our main mode of communication. But if you do add your phone number into the mix there, then that gets you two entries. So bit of a no-brainer.


To give you some ideas of around the type of prizes that we give away, last year, we started off by giving away an iPhone 14 Pro, which had a value of $1,399, a DJI Mini Drone, the set value of $759, a Samsung portable projector, a Sonos immersive set, a MacBook Pro 13”, value of 12 $1,299. Bang and Olufsen speaker. and not the little one that I've got in my office here, but a much, much more powerful one, which is sold for over $1,000. Sonos Move smart speakers, Airpods Max. By the way, if you're watching the video, these things here which I use all the time, they've got fantastic audio quality, and actually a really good microphone. Anytime I'm doing webinars or Zoom calls or anything like that, I'm always using those Airpods Maxs. I also took them on my recent trip. I don't always take them when I'm traveling, because they are quite big, I mean, as any over-ear headphones are, but if I'm traveling on my own, I do typically take them with me. They've got great noise cancelling as well. We gave away a pretty fancy espresso machine in the 12-Day Giveaway last year as well that had a value of $1,300, GoPro Hero 11, and Apple Watch Ultra. These watches are pretty cool. I don't know if you've checked them out. But some of them, there's actually the Apple Watch Ultra 2, which is going to be on the prize list this year, which is really, really cool. You can do so much with these watches, and a Meta Quest Pro. So there's an idea of the types of prizes that we would give away.


We announce the winner once each day that we are running the 12 days, and we select the winner at complete random as well. So when you register to participate in the 12-day giveaway, you'll go into a database, and then each day, we generate a random number, which corresponds to someone in the database. If that's you, then you win the prize, simple. And then we publish the winners in an encrypted fashion on the homepage of the 12 Day Giveaway.


Okay, so there's an idea of the types of prizes, and there'll be a page each day that's got new content published on it. So you'll be able to have a look at that, you can consume that content from your phone or your computer or whatever it may be. So that's about the 12 Day Giveaway. All you need to do to get registered is head over to We're going to be sending out emails to our list about this as well, but you can go there right now, in fact, and get registered for this year's one, then tune in.


Something else that happens a lot in the 12-Day Giveaway is we have a huge number of comments. I think last year we had like over 1000 different comments over the 12 days. This is also cool because it gives a bit of a two-way conversation. We get a two-way conversation happening and able to get your thoughts on some of our ideas because these are just ideas, just things that we've learned along the way, so it's always good to get other people's thoughts and opinions on them.


So that is a wrap for this very short episode here today. It is episode number 102. I want to leave you with again, one more time, head over to, and if you are registered, then you'll get emails from us about the updates, and you could win over $12,000 worth a bunch of prizes, over $12,000 in prizes. Also in the wrap-up workshop that we're going to do at the end of those 12 days, we've got thousands of dollars and cash giveaways for that as well, so that alone is a good a reason as any to participate and tune in.


That's a wrap. I will see you on the next episode of The Growth Booth where I'm going to be interviewing a good friend of mine, Sophie Howard, and then at the start of 2024, I'm going to be doing a podcast episode all about my favorite AI tools. So if you want to learn about the top AI tools, the most effective and efficient AI tools right now, then you've got that one coming in just a couple of weeks' time as well. This is a wrap for this episode here today though. Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye for now.



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