The Growth Booth

My AI Toolkit: 10 Transformative AI Tools Revealed! | The Growth Booth #104

Aidan Booth Season 1 Episode 104

2023 was indeed the year of AI…

Welcome to the 104th episode of The Growth Booth Podcast, a show focused on supporting budding entrepreneurs and established business owners alike, towards achieving lifestyle freedom through building successful online businesses.

Over the past year, many AI tools and apps rose to popularity as the technology developed day by day to help with even the smallest tasks. This episode, Aidan is joined by fellow AI enthusiast Bonnie Collins to talk about 10 transformative AI tools that have helped increase efficiency within different aspects of their online businesses.

Whether you're looking for step-by-step strategies to start building an online business, simple game plans to grow your business, or proven lifestyle freedom frameworks, you’re in the right place.

Stay tuned and be sure to join the thousands of listeners already in growth mode!


00:00 Intro

02:39 AI in Customer Support

05:22 AI Art For Graphic Creation

12:00 AI for Copywriting

20:22 AI for Video Creation

24:28 AI for Transcription

29:40 AI for Social Media

35:50 AI for Organization

39:43 Final Thoughts on AI

45:50 Outro

Links and Resources Mentioned:

About Our Host:

Aidan Booth is passionate about lifestyle freedom and has focused on building online businesses to achieve this since 2005. From affiliate marketing to eCommerce, small business marketing to SAAS (software as a service), online education to speaking at seminars, the journey has been a rollercoaster ride with plenty of thrills along the way. Aidan is proud to have helped thousands of entrepreneurs earn their first dollar online, and coached many people to build million-dollar businesses. Aidan and his business partner (Steven Clayton) are the #1 ranked vendors on, and sell their products in over 100 countries globally, as well as in 20,000+ stores across the USA, to generate 8-figures annually.

Away from the online world, Aidan is a proud Dad of two young kids, an avid investor, a swimming enthusiast, and a nomadic traveler.


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Welcome to The Growth Booth. This is episode number 104. Happy New Year, I can't believe that it's January 2024 already and what a 12 months it's been. I think one of the biggest things that we've seen over the past 12 months has been the development of AI, Artificial Intelligence. That's what we're going to be talking about today.


On this episode, I'm joined here by Bonnie who has been on episodes with us in the past. And she, like me, is a massive enthusiast when it comes to artificial intelligence and figuring out how we can use this to improve our lives and improve our businesses. We're going to be talking today a little bit about some of our favorite tools.


So Bonnie, thanks for being here.



Thanks for having me, Aidan. It's a pleasure.



So we're going to be talking about a pretty broad spectrum of different tools and bits and pieces here today. First thing I'll say is that many of these are free, so that's pretty cool. Where do we start here, Bonnie? I mean, there are so many different places that we could dive in.



Well, we use AI for so many practical input applications: in content writing, image creation, social media, quick Excel, graphics and for general organization. I realized that this is a podcast. So we'll be talking about these tools. Maybe in the future, Aidan, we can deep dive into each one of these tools in further videos to help our people.



Yeah, for sure.



You've looked into Max AI. I'd really like to hear more about how you found that really useful.



This is one of the first ones that I sort of had on the list here and is in relation to customer support. We've got a lot of different sort of buckets of customer support in our business, obviously, for people who buy courses and training programs through us, but then all of our ecommerce businesses and brands have customer support as well. This is a tool that I only found out about in the past couple of months,, and it has the ability to streamline customer support.


One of the things that it can do is you can feed that information, which could be through PDFs, it could be through videos. Max can then learn what the content is. If a customer emails you about something, then it can give an automated, intuitive, and dynamic reply based on what's being asked. If you imagine from an ecommerce,, or let's say even simpler from an online education standpoint, let's say that you are someone who's invested in one of the training programs that we've put out, and you need to learn all you need to find out whether something was in the training, or what was the best practice guideline for doing something, you could write in a question and get an automated reply from We're starting to incorporate this into different parts of the business. We haven't actually built it into online education support yet, but in the future, it's something that we would love to do, not just because it provides a faster reply to the customer, but because it can sometimes provide a better reply.


There's a way that you can sort of combine the human element with the AI element. So for example, you can have this tool create draft replies for you without actually sending them, and then the human can read through them and hit the send button if it makes sense. So this is one that we've got in the world of customer support. There are not that many people who know about it. It's still not on the radar for most people out there, but I actually met one of the cofounders of recently in person, and I was completely blown away. So we've started building it into some of some of our business.


Something else though, that I think a lot of our listeners will be able to relate to and use is AI art and branding. So what have been your sort of favorite discoveries in the world of AI with art and branding, graphic creation, Bonnie?



Yeah, well, AI art and branding are what we call text-to-image models. We've been looking to Midjourney, DALL-E 2, and the Bing Image Creator. And to be honest, in terms of output, we love Midjourney. DALL-E 2 is coming up the rear. What I think about DALL-E 2 is it's much easier to onboard with because you don't have to go to the Discord server, so you go through the Discord server for Midjourney, and all you type in is /imagine. Anyway, you can then add a prompt that will say, so you upload an image and the image can be translated to a bicycle with a screen that is either, you can have all sorts of like a for February, we could have a Valentine's Day background for…



You can get actually eventually very creative with them. You could say for example, "/imagine a boy sitting on a hoverboard in the middle of the Sahara Desert eating ice cream", and it would go out there it would go and in a matter of moments create that fictitious image. I think, to your point about Discord, for people that are not familiar with it, it's a platform that Midjourney requires that you use and for me, that's Midjourney's biggest weakness because it's not as user-friendly as DALL-E, or the Bing Image Creator.



Well, for DALL-E 2, all you do is you can ask GPT4 to create a prompt for your search up. You then put that prompt into DALL-E to get the output that you want. The beauty of putting it into GPT4 is that it knows it's the same, same creators, if you like, of ChatGPT 4 that have created DALL-E 2. They know what to say to the text to image application of their platform to give you the best output, essentially.



Bing Image Creator is probably the simplest of the three, in my opinion, because that is if you just do a Google search for Bing image creator, you'll be able to open that up. It just says "What do you want to design?" Basically, what do you want to create? And again, you could do the same thing. You could type, "a boy floating on a hoverboard in the middle of the Sahara Desert eating ice cream", and it would go out there and make you something. You can get even more specific by talking about a style of design. You could say watercolor or you could say pencil sketch or any number of different things. So Bing Image Creator, I think, is one that's for the everyday user. It's absolutely incredible.


Do you stick to one of these, Bonnie, when you're doing image design? Or do you flip between different ones? What's your idea there?



Well, I tend to test all of them, all the output, for the best image. Because in the past, DALL-E has been not very good at creating detail like fingers. If you're asking them to create a person and the person comes out… It’s getting better. It’s not like that anymore. It’s still a little bit perfect than Midjourney, but it's just amazing to have the capability of this tool to create images that you wouldn't put. I remember uploading a Monet print to it. I said "Do the Monet watercolor print in the style of a tangerine sunset" and it came out so beautifully. We haven't really touched the surface of what the capabilities are.



And also, there's so many practical uses to the art and branding and images that you can create with these tools. I mean, you can use them in social media marketing for practically anything, you can use an image design, you could create logos with it.


In fact, Argentina, towards the end of last year, had the presidential elections. They were billed as the first AI elections, because both of the main candidates were creating political propaganda style images on billboards. We had the left wing, and in fact, they found out or they shared what some of the prompts were, and I can't remember exactly what it was. But the one of the left-wing parties was after Russian, Soviet UK, I should say, -inspired propaganda images showing sign of strength and unity, kind of a thing. I saw another one where the right-wing candidate had a picture of himself, and the left-wing candidate looked like someone who was out of The Walking Dead. They looked like a zombie, basically. He was trying to portray two different futures there. And this was on a massive, gigantic billboard on the side of the highway. So there have been some interesting write ups about us being the first AI governmental election happened down here in Argentina last year.


On to another practical use of AI, and this is one of the most, I would say, simple and straightforward ones of all, is copywriting. With regards to copywriting or generating content in general, what are the options? Where do we start? How do you go about this, Bonnie?



So we started with ChatGPT, and that was GPT3 and then GPT3.5, and now we've got GPT4, which is the paid version, which is about $20, $21 or so a month. That's super helpful. It's more advanced in a lot of ways than its competitors. However, it doesn't have the correct information after 2022. So you really need something like with it. So when you onboard with GPT4, you've got so you got the ability to search and scrape the web for new information, or you can sort of look at websites and such.



I thought ChatGPT4 was now actually able to scrape the web. I maybe wrong.



Yeah, cause it's got that Bing feature within it.



I think that's actually used by default inside ChatGPT4 now. If you're asking for something current, by default, it will use that Bing feature and actually be, not scraping, but reading content.



Yeah, the last time I saw it was there was a toggle switch, but it could have been…



It changes all the time. It's hard to even keep up and we're using it every single day. In fact, sometimes they roll out new features and there's like a pop-up that will say "Something new has happened," and I barely even read it. Some new features just been built in, like I can remember a few months ago, they had the voice-to-text thing where if I've got, for example, the ChatGPT4 app on my phone and if I want to ask a question, I can verbally do it, and then it'll transcribe it into text. This is just a new feature that just sort of appeared one day, so there's all kinds of different things. 


Something else though that has been very cool is, and I think this is Bard's unique differentiator at this point, is watching videos for you. Have you played around with that, Bonnie?



Yes, and it provides a nice summary. It provides a sort of a synopsis of the video, so it's great for consuming content, if that's part of your job, if you like, and if you really want to be in that perpetual growth phase, to keep abreast with all the latest information. So, yeah, it's something that's pretty useful for me.



What I did recently is I got the YouTube version of one of our recent podcast episodes. If you're not familiar, all of the episodes that we do on The Growth Booth are uploaded to YouTube as well. So you can always head over to YouTube and search for The Growth Booth, and you'll find the videos. So I grabbed the YouTube URL of one of our recent episodes, I copied it into Bard, and I said, "Give me an overview of the key points covered in this video." And then a couple of seconds later, that comes back with a bullet point breakdown of what was covered in that particular podcast episode. I then went back to Bard and I said, "This is great. Can you dive a little bit deeper?" and it dove deeper and gave me more information. So that was me, just playing around and testing it out because I knew exactly what the content of that episode, that podcast episode was, obviously, because I had filmed it, and it works incredibly well. What blows my mind is how quickly that brings that information back to you. Obviously, it's already got the information. Google's already got the information. Bard is part of Google. And yeah, within a couple of seconds. So that's one that I think everyone needs to test out for themselves at some point.



As I say, it's great for consuming lots of information super quickly. If you need some advice, legal advice or medical advice, you can go to the videos that provide that sort of advice. Like, I needed some information about, it's the first year I've got my own LLC in the United States, I needed some information about what to do with the year end. So I've now got a bullet point summary of that. And that's super helpful. Yep.



It used to be the way that I would be able to capture this content without sitting through a 30-minute video would be to get the video transcribed through an AI tool – we'll talk about some of these later – and then feed that transcription into Chat GPT and get it to give me a summary, but we don't need to do that anymore. Like I said, I think this is Bard's biggest unique differentiator at the moment, clearly GPT4 and some of the other tools out there are better at creating original content, but none of them, at the time that we're filming this anyway, can match Bard for its ability to serve summaries of YouTube videos, so that's pretty cool.


What else is there that you use for copywriting?





Well, there's It's kind of useful for travel plans, restaurant bookings, again, because it searches the web in real time. And the other thing we've been testing out is Anthropic for reading books for you. You can ask any question on the content once uploaded. I've been testing Anthropic recently, and I still prefer GPT4, although the output from Anthropic is voluminous. It has a huge amount of volume relative to GPT4. Anthropic, instead of outputting, to me has been apologizing to me for not giving the correct output instead of actually doing the work, so keep that on…



Making excuses. Sounds like the AI is getting a bit lazy, they're lazy bones. Well, we'll probably see Anthropic improve a lot over the weeks and months ahead. So it's definitely one to look at there. And the Bing one, I think that's if you want to get directly to the AI version of Bing.


Speaking of restaurants, I actually put that to the test and I said, "Give me some nice restaurant ideas for me to go with the family," and I put Masterton, New Zealand, which is a small town, very small town in New Zealand which doesn't have hundreds and hundreds of different restaurants, and I wanted to see what it would find. It gave me a few good options based on current data and availability, opening hours, and so on and so forth. So that works pretty well. I'm looking forward to starting to use it more for travel plans and hotel reservations.


Now, moving on here, what about video? Any tools that you've found that work particularly well for either creating video? Maybe start off with specifically creating videos.



Yeah, we like Invideo. So Invideo is something that we've used to create videos from text prompts. And, again, the top tip is to use GPT4 to create the prompts for us. What's really interesting is RunwayML, and again, video creation with prompts, but this will create short three-second videos. It's still sort of at the research stage. And there's also Stable Video Diffusion, which considers itself a competitor to RunwayML. However, I still think RunwayML is lightyears ahead. These are the current AI, video-from-text sort of that we're looking at, and it's so much fun, but in a good way, and short videos, as well.



These are also, as we sit here discussing this, I know that in six months' time and 12 months' time and 18 months' time, we're going to look back at what we're doing now and what we're amazed with now, and we're going to feel like it is just so prehistoric and elementary what we're doing now. But these are the building blocks of something far more sophisticated. 


Imagine a time in the future where you need to make a 15- or 10-minute sales video highlighting the benefits of some new gizmo gadget or info product that you've got. You'll be able to literally just explain what you need to one of these tools and it will go out there and create the whole thing from start to finish. You could also say, "Create it being presented by one type of a person," or another type of person or one language or another language, things that we're not quite at right now. You can clearly see how tools like Invideo and RunwayML are starting to provide some frameworks and sort of act almost like building blocks because they allow us to think outside the box and be like, "Oh, wow, I can make this three-second video."


I remember about a decade ago using a tool called Animoto, and Animoto has probably reinvented itself, I haven't used it for quite a long time now, but Animoto was a way that you could combine an audio track with some different texts that would come on to the screen, which you would have to determine for yourself, some custom images, which you would have to also choose and determine for yourself. This was a long time before any of the current AI was even sort of imagined. The output that it gave us was, I guess, a starting point when we start to imagine what it could be like in the future.


So again, I think that idea of just thinking, imagine if you could give a 20-word or 100-word prompt to a tool that could then go out there and create you HD quality sales video in the tone of some world famous copywriter and spoken in Japanese to a Japanese audience. It's just mind boggling. So I'm definitely going to look back on this episode in a year's time just to kind of compare and contrast where we're at because I feel like we are truly in our infancy.


So anyway, going off on a bit of a tangent now, what about transcription? I think transcription and speech-to-text as they're also known, speech-to-text tools, something really interesting that can help are all kinds of people who've got online businesses. What have you found works well here?



They're also called natural language models. I remember now we were using in in the past and that was very good, but then that became not free. We then went on to two other tools like, which was, we use Riverside for this video, for example. We also used Loom in the past. And we now really like for a sort of a speech-to-text tool because it has evolved quite well over the last year. We did like because it would do the whole video for us and then do the transcription as well. What was useful about that is that you could follow the transcription as the video was playing back, whereas with, basically you'd have to hunt to the video or hunt through the text to find the correct bit to correct or whatever. But now that it's sort of evolved quite a bit, is really quite accurate.



Yeah, we use that for all the transcriptions of this show. We have humans still go over them as well, just to make sure that they are accurate, but I mean, I've seen that firsthand, just come on in leaps and bounds in terms of how effective it is.


You mentioned Riverside, so is the tool that we use for recording these episodes, for the most part of The Growth Booth. I would say it's a tool most similar to Zoom, however, it is designed for podcasts, and it's got lots of things that are related to that, one of them being the transcriptions. Loom was another one you mentioned. I use Loom for recording screen capture videos for the most part. One of the things that it does really well is automatically create subtitles with a transcription of what's being spoken in the video.


Something that you alerted me to recently was the voice typing in Google Docs. Could you explain to folks what that's all about?



Yeah. Google Docs has a feature where you can create documents. Instead of using Word, use Google Docs. Now, within Google Docs, you have this menu called Tools. And then you go to Tools, and you can just go to voice typing. That will give you some free voice typing to Google Docs. It's really quite good.


Just to note as well, that I've found out today, that Zoom also has an AI feature, a new feature that will do speech-to-text as well. But I haven't tested that out yet. I'll test it out soon.



I got to say the voice typing in Google Docs is phenomenal. I remember not long ago that these voice-to-type tools would really struggle with my accent, and I don't even have a particularly strong New Zealand accent. But nonetheless, it would struggle with it. But I was testing it out recently and it's amazing. It was nailing it. I started off speaking quite slowly and quite clearly, and I realized that I could handle that because I was seeing it happen in real time with my own eyes. I started talking normally, and then I started speaking in accelerated fashion. It was just keeping up! So this is something that's really cool. 100% free, like many of the different tools that we're talking about here.


And again, just to recap on that: if you're using Google Docs for writing a Word document or something, then you can go into Tools > voice typing. A little pop up will open as long as your microphone is turned on or you've got speakers that have got a microphone on them. You just start talking, you click start, start talking, and away it goes. There's lots of practical uses for this. Imagine, if you wanted to craft an email, for example, you could use the voice-to-text to explain what you needed or wanted to say. And then you could turn it off and then you can make any minor edits. There's all kinds of different ways that that you could use that.


I want to move on now to social media. Where are we at with AI for social media for posting? What are the tools that you're most familiar with? I'm sure there are dozens of them out there. We can obviously only talk about the ones that we use, but where are we at with that Bonnie?



Well, there's a whole upgrade if you'd like to all the social media work that we have been doing that will now create posts in volume, which is super handy if you want to schedule posts for 2000 days in advance, for example. So, for example, first of all, I just want to give a mention about Canva first, because Canva has always been the sort of background tool that people in the creative space have relied on for creating all the templates, for creating all their other graphics, basically, and now Canva has recently, back in November, had a Canva Create Event, and they announced some new features to focus on reducing time, and generating content and volume on social media, while also repurposing the content across several platforms. So, AI, art, images, templates, social media posts, etc., we can now generate multiple social media posts at a time.


It has a feature, for example, called Magic Eraser, which actually erases objects in Canva. It has magic edit, so Canva will create an image based on a prompt we have, so it's a bit like AR magic edit, or anything like DALL-E or Midjourney. You've also got magic design, which will create a curated set of templates based on a design. So you can upload a photo, and it will create designs for, say, a promotional flyer with the dimensions of whatever social media posts you need. Canva can create from one image multiple social media posts by changing the dimensions of the image. And then there's a text-to-image feature. So you type in your text idea and then augment it with various styles. It's got a layers feature, which means that as you add layers to your design, each of these layers can be separated out and edited one by one, which used to be a real problem when you're using Canva, that you couldn't edit a previous layer easily.



So yeah, I feel like Canva has massively upped its game in the AI space, because it's only relatively recently that they've been able to do all of these things. It feels to me more like a design, AI version of Photoshop almost, to here, you've got all of these incredibly powerful tools at your fingertips to do all kinds of different things like Canva. I think they've got a free account. I've got the paid version, but I'm pretty sure they've got a free account as well. I'm not sure how much of the AI bits and pieces are free, but the paid account is pretty cheap and it's incredible. And again, when I think back to what I used to do to create social media images like a decade ago and see what we can do now, in just a couple of seconds, it's mind boggling. To my point a few moments ago, this is only just beginning. So kudos to Canva, I'm sure they're going to be getting a lot of new business as a result of their innovation here.


In terms of social media as well, Hootsuite, I feel like Hootsuite have got, at the moment, a very primitive set of tools for AI. Again, this is changing all the time, but I feel like they're sort of laying the framework or the foundations, but they're not quite there in terms of what, for example, Canva can do. So Canva's got one piece of the puzzle in my mind, and Hootsuite is what we use for publishing across multiple different social media channels at once. They've got another piece of the puzzle. Is that similar in your experience?



You can take all your output from Canva and then load it into Hootsuite to help schedule your posts, so you can create a caption from a prompt. You can create a post from a URL, you can get tons of post ideas from a single topic. You can repurpose your top performing content and I think the repurposing your top performing content, it is one of the most interesting features. But again, I am on the same page as you. It's not quite got the most bang for your buck as Canva does with its recent unveiling.



That's worth taking a look at. And inside Hootsuite, they do have what's called Owly, you'll see it when you try to create a new publication, publish new posts that are given the option of creating something from scratch using AI. You can go around and play around with it. But certainly, I think Canva is the leader right now and in that sort of one stop shop for Photoshop with AI, let's say.


What about staying organized? This is something I think we continue to evolve as online entrepreneurs, online business owners. What tools have you found that work well for staying organized?



Well, I used to use Asana,, and, you know, I've tried all these ones out, but I like Notion AI these days. What's really interesting about it is that it is both a creative platform and a platform for organizing yourself. It's a place where you can centralize your knowledge, you can manage your project. So it's got a project management feature, you can track your progress, you can consolidate your tools, create a mood board or a vision board. So there's a lot of functionality. It's a very flexible tool, but that flexibility comes with its own, you know, if you could spend all day on Notion. If you're starting out with, I would suggest you get a template, and you upload the template, and then from the template, you then have your dashboard and you can navigate from there.



So what do you specifically use Notion AI for? Do you use it as a project management tool? Do you use it as some kind of a to-do list? What are you specifically using it for? Or what is it designed for?



Well, people like me are very, very, very creative person, so I get these ideas all the time. I find it's handy to just park them in Notion AI. It also, if I'm doing like a project that requires repetitive work and requires me to check on loads of things, I can create a tick list with another app called to streamline what I'm working on in my workday, keep being on one place, and make sure that I complete regular and random tasks. It's just that when you when you're a very creative person, I guess you've got all these ideas all the time and to make sure that you capture them and contain them in a certain space so that you can dig them out and say, "Oh, yeah, I remember that idea, and here's all that I've investigated already in that idea."



So it's a place that you can house knowledge, thoughts, ideas, and organize it in a structured manner, I guess.




Yes, indeed. Also create mood boards, vision boards. And what's also interesting is that, if you're a creator, like we are, you can create templates for Notion and you can sell them on Etsy, and people will buy them. You can both buy and sell. Notion is a creative space, not only for yourself, but for your output. It’s great for content creators. And it's like a great sub niche to start working on.



That's awesome. So again, if you want to check that out for yourself, head over to We will be providing all of the links to different tools that we're mentioning here today over at Remember, navigate to, find episode number 104. You can get the transcripts and links to everything that we are talking about. So if you've missed a tool or you weren't quite sure what it was, then that's where you can go to find it.


To wrap up here, any last thoughts about AI and different tools that we've mentioned and ways that they can be used?



Well, I think in order to supercharge your social media branding, one of the great things you could do is to combine your tools. So for example, you can create a prompt with GPT4 for your ideal client, you bring in all the demographics and psychographics so you have some sort of picture about your ideal client. Say they are a 55-year-old lady, and then you're also doing branding for like a whole new clothing ranges. You're looking for colors, you're looking for styles, you're looking for what those people go for. So to feed in as much information as you can on the demographics psychographics, and then you can ask GPT4 for a branding strategy for this.


My top tip is to add that branding strategy to Pinterest. So you just post it in the search bar, and you can generate a look and feel for your brand that way.



If someone is working in marketing and branding and offering the service to people, there's a lot of value in exactly what you said, because I know that we've in the past paid thousands of dollars for our branding campaigns to be set up for us and delivered to us. So awesome stuff there.


Bonnie, I've got a few final thoughts myself. We haven't mentioned Sendpad is our auto responder. It's got an AI email writer built into it, or really, if you're a Sendpad user, then you'll probably be familiar with that. If you're not, then you might want to check out and create a free account. Create an account to get started and check it out for yourself. So that's one thing.


Another thing I think is, I would recommend people to try to find ways that they can use these AI tools in their businesses, to improve their businesses, but also in their lives. I'm getting a lot out of AI tools and using them more and more and more my personal life, which is completely unrelated to my business. So one example of this is educational activities I can do with my kids. A while ago, we sat down and we created Lego-themed monsters and things like this with images. It's incredible. I've also used it for creating short stories that my kids are able to read by telling the content, AI tools to use short words that a five-year-old could read. And my kids have been saying, "Oh, well, I want to have a story about a theory that does this, and that and the other." I've done a lot of bedtime stories over the last seven years.


But I tend to run out of imagination at some point, and I'll tell you what, these AI content creation tools, they don't run out of imagination. So now the kids are getting to the point where they are aware of this, it's out there. It's not something that is new to them, it's something that just exists, it's a little bit like how young children these days assume every single screen is going to be touchscreen. They'll see a screen, they'll pick it up and they'll try to swipe. This is something that we all have to learn. For them, it's just common sense that that would happen.


I can also say that I've seen the same kinds of things with smart speakers and stuff around the house. We've got Apple speakers in our home, and you can control them by speaking to them. Watching my kids just assume that they can talk to a speaker and tell it to do something when probably the majority of speakers out there are not smart speakers, it's quite interesting. A lot of this stuff is going to continue to grow and evolve because of AI. I would also recommend that people test things out, dive in the deep end. You can't break this stuff. You can play around with it, think outside the box, watch a YouTube video for a demo on something, and it might take five minutes, but then you've just leveled up in that particular thing.


This AI is here to stay. We've just started scratching the surface and giving you a few ideas here. We started by talking about customer support, gave you a tool that you could use for that. Art and branding, we spoke about that a lot. Content creation and copywriting videos, transcription, social media, organizing yourself and your content. There are so many different ways that you can leverage AI right now. And probably the biggest thing that's holding you back is you don't know what ways you can leverage it. So hopefully, through this podcast episode here today, we have opened your eyes or your ears a little bit and given you a few little fire starters, if you'd like, to get you thinking about what you could do.


So that is a wrap for this episode. Make sure you head over to This is episode number 104. You can also pick up the video version over at YouTube. I will leave you with a reminder that next week, in the next episode, episode number 105, we're going to be talking about e-commerce in 2024. I'm going to be sharing what I believe to be the simplest and smartest approach to building an online business in 2024. I'm going to be dissecting the main ecommerce models that we use and I'll share what I'm recommending my friends, my family get started with and the exact model that I would use if I had to start from scratch again in 2024. So tune in next week for the next episode of The Growth Booth.


Thanks for listening to us and being with us here today. Leave a comment as well on social media, or send us an email: We would love to hear about what we've missed.


So Bonnie, thank you once again for tuning in here. For those who that don't know, Bonnie is an incredibly systematic person who has put in a lot of the different frameworks and systems in place that we use here at The Growth Booth. In fact, if it wasn't for Bonnie, this show wouldn't even exist. So thank you so much for everything you do Bonnie and for sharing everything that you've shared today.



Thank you for having me.



That's a wrap. We'll see on the next episode of The Growth Booth. Bye for now.



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